О воспитании и образовании

О воспитании и образовании

Hellyer, Regina, Carol Robinson and Phyllis Sherwood. Study Skills for Learning Power. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.

Lawrence, Gordon. People Types and Tiger Stripes. Florida: CAPT, 2000.

Mamchur, Carolyn. A Teacher’s Guide to Cognitive Type Theory and Learning Style. Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1996.

Marshall, Brian. The Secrets of Getting Better Grades. Indiana: JIST, 2002.

Radencich, Marguerite and Jeanne Schumn. How to Help Your Child with Homework. Minnesota: Free Spirit Publishing, 1997.

Thompson, Thomas. Most Excellent Differences. Florida: CAPT, 1996.

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